So we’ve reached the end of our "Responsive Web Design week", tonight’s post will be the last of the series. We are going all out to help you hone your skills in manipulating those codes to respond at will when displayed on different devices. And to do this, we are featuring 30 Responsive Web Design Tutorials found online. This list is not meant to be an exhaustive one but it will get you started on understanding the basics of designing an adaptive website that will cater to all sorts of screen sizes.

We’ll start off with introductory tutorials in ‘Breaking the Ice’, something like an RWD: 101 class you should attend to get the hang of the concept before we move on to ‘Start Building’ exercises.

Lastly we’ll end with a ‘Do More’ section in which we’ll feature tutorials that play with horizontal layouts, ‘elastic’ videos, drop-down menus and slide-to-top accordion navigations, thumbnails and the sticky issue with tables.

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Image Credit: UT Design 13